irregular calyx 意味

  • 不整形萼{ふせいけいがく}


        calyx:    calyx 花房 はなぶさ 蔕 へた
        irregular:     irregular adj. 不規則な, 変則的な; ふぞろいな. 【副詞】 This is a grossly irregular breach of the rules. これははなはだしい規則違反だ It would be highly irregular for anyone to be permitted to do that. だれであれそのようなことを
        accessory calyx:    accessory calyx 外がく[医生]
        caducous calyx:    散萼
        calyx drill:    calyx drill ショットドリル[基礎]
        calyx lobe:    萼裂片{がく れつへん}
        calyx of kidney:    calyx of kidney じん「腎」杯[医生]
        calyx splitting:    萼割れ
        calyx spray:    殺虫噴霧液{さっちゅう ふんむ えき}
        calyx tube:    萼筒
        deciduous calyx:    落萼
        gamopetalous calyx:    合萼
        gamosepalous calyx:    合がく
        minor calyx:    小腎杯{しょうじんぱい}
        persistent calyx:    宿存萼{しゅくぞんがく}


  1. "irregular block" 意味
  2. "irregular blooming" 意味
  3. "irregular bone" 意味
  4. "irregular bound (tennis)" 意味
  5. "irregular boundary" 意味
  6. "irregular circle" 意味
  7. "irregular cleavage" 意味
  8. "irregular color" 意味
  9. "irregular colors" 意味
  10. "irregular bound (tennis)" 意味
  11. "irregular boundary" 意味
  12. "irregular circle" 意味
  13. "irregular cleavage" 意味

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